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What price happiness?

Wells Hight Street Wells Then and Now

Wells Hight Street Wells Then and Now


Sorry about the rather dramatic title of this weeks blog, but it came about one lovely sunny day last week. I was walking down the high street and a Peruvian (I think) band was busking, they were actually playing a classical tune and it was amazing. I gave them a £1 and thought, this has made me so happy, it is well worth a £1. I hope lot’s of people also gave them a £1 and it made them happy.

Eleanor Bowmer Mum Strong Arm Print

Eleanor Bowmer
Mum Strong Arm Print

Mothers Day also made me happy, I was truly spoilt and spent the day with all the people I love the most. I was given cards, flowers, a bottle of Baileys and a gorgeous print by Eleanor Bowmer . I had breakfast in bed, something my little girl was more excited about than me!

All this got me thinking, what is the price of happiness? I have had some pretty miserable days in my life but it is the small things that make me happy, walking in the sun, being with loved ones, eating good food & have a glass or two of something nice.

My life is pretty full on and I feel that I never have enough time to do anything properly but last week taught me to take pleasure in small things, I think the Danish call it ‘Hygge’

With this thought in mind, I would like to give something away this week in the hope that it makes you happy too. We are just about to launch a new range of ‘Motivational’ mug cosies and will be giving a ‘Believe in Yourself’ mug cosy and china mug over on Instagram.

If you would like to take part, the link to our instagram page is on this image. Simply share if you already follow us, if you don’t follow us please do and then share, don’t forget to add @chichimoi_uk and #chichimoi to your post.

Thanks and Good luck
